Beef Fest and Mustache Contest
BCRP physician-gentlemen participate in 2013 Beef Fest and Mustache-Beard Contest

On May 28, 2013 Dr. Christopher Yuskaitis downed an impressive 4 pounds of steak during the annual BCRP Beef Fest. Dr. Yu-steak-aitis trained extensively for this proud moment, thanking parents, friends, family, colleagues and his wife for their support during the often-times trying and rigorous 6 months of intensive preparation. Medal contender Dr. Andrew Miller was banned from the beef portion competition for use of performance enhancing substances. Investigation and extensive testing confirmed that Dr. Miller had been doping go-lytely in order to maximize luminal capacity. Dr. Miller will serve a short suspension but will be able to return as a ED fellow next year. Former champion and NICU fellow Dr. Timmy Ho will also return from injured reserve in time for next year’s competition.

The beard competition was breathtaking this year, with the “Critical Mass Award” going to Dr. Andrew Miller for his spot-on Wolverine. The “Most Interesting Man in the World” went to Dr. Alex Hirsh for finally providing a proper rendition of the monkey tail.Dr. Michael Toce came home with both the “Classiest Gentleman” as well as the “Man of Questionable Intentions” award, a first in Beef Fest history. Honorable mention went to Dr. Jon Hatoun for his N-95 cutout – a practical solution to the beard-hospital paradox after he got tired of searching for space suits at Children’s. Honorable mentions also went to Drs. Jon Hubbard, Grover, and Michael Farias. Dr. Patrick Newman, med-peds chief resident, was recognized in absentia during his travels to Latin America for his fantastic and practical moustache.