General Pediatric Inpatient Services(Pediatric Hospital Medicine)

Flannel Friday on Gen Peds team

Every intern has about 3 months of general inpatient pediatrics experience.  During the junior and senior years, residents assume a supervisory role in the care of general pediatrics patients. Supervising residents are team leaders and provide much of the bedside teaching to the interns and medical students. Inpatient ward teams are divided into “day” and “night” teams. Each General Pediatrics team at BCH has a dedicated Medical Team Associate, who helps offload non-clinical tasks and improve patient care.


Organization of general inpatient services:

Work room snacks on Oscar Night
  • At BCH, there are three Pediatric Hospital Medicine teams (PHM A, PHM B and PHM C) each comprised of one supervising resident (senior residents staff A & C while junior residents staff B) and two interns. A nurse practitioner and medical team associate support the team with care coordination. PHM A & B share a workroom on the 9th floor and PHM C shares a workroom with 7 Subs subspecialty team on the 7th floor.
  • Boston Medical Center Inpatient Wards (BMC): one senior resident, one junior resident, three pediatric interns, one family medicine intern, and three to four medical students on a 22-bed unit. The pediatric ward team cares for general pediatrics patients and patients from subspecialty services, including endocrinology, gastroenterology, hematology, neurology, and pulmonology. The two resident teams alternate rounding with the inpatient attending allowing increased autonomy for supervising residents on days when they round by themselves.
        IV practice on the BMC Wards