Keystone Blocks
The Keystone blocks unify ambulatory experiences during the intern year. They consist of 12 weeks of integrated Child Development, Advocacy, Adolescent and Primary Care experiences split into two six-week blocks (which are separated by six months in the intern year). A didactic lecture series complements residents’ outpatient clinic time and focuses on relevant topics ranging from clinical cases to advocacy issues. During the Keystone blocks, residents manage pediatric medical problems over time, learn to navigate care delivery systems, and hone skills in the delivery of comprehensive medical care. Residents design and begin capstone advocacy projects during their Keystone experiences that in some cases the foundation of their scholarly work during residency. Aspects of the individual components that comprise Keystone are discussed separately in the rotation descriptions for Child Development and Adolescent Medicine. The Community Health and Advocacy rotation is discussed in the Benefiting the Community section of the Program.