Annual Formal

Each year, the House Staff Association organizes a formal dinner and dance for residents, significant others and invited faculty at a variety of venues around Boston such as the Harvard Club, the House of Blues or the Community Rowing Boathouse. All residents are covered from hospital responsibilities during this event, which features events such as the Annual Resident Class Dance Off.
House Staff Auction & Spring Show
The House Staff Association organizes an auction every Spring in which residents, faculty and community businesses donate anything from cooking lessons, to a weekend at a summer home, Red Sox and Patriots tickets, and a new Vespa. All proceeds go to the House Staff Association to support residency-wide events throughout the year.
The BCRP houseofficers produce an annual show: a comedy “spoof” of the faculty and vagaries of residency. The show is a long tradition and provides an opportunity for housestaff to showcase their remarkable singing, dancing, instrumental, organizational and comedic talents (or lack thereof). Last year, this was combined with an Open Mic night co-hosted by our Humanities, Ethics, Arts Leaders (HEAL) group for those to share more serious musical performances or reflections on residency as well.
Diversity Council Social Events

The Diversity Council social arm hosts approximately monthly events to improve community-building, networking, and socializing for all residents and faculty interested in supporting those underrepresented in medicine. Events have ranged from Diversity Dinners at faculty homes or favorite Boston restaurants, movie outings, ice skating, community salsa dance classes, and more.

Arts Events

The Humanities, Ethics, Arts Leaders (HEAL) group organizes bimonthly arts-related events such as writing retreats, visits to the amazing local arts museums, attendance at the Longwood or Boston Symphony concerts, or the Boston ballet.
Chief Family Dinners and Events

Each Chief organizes a quarterly (or more often) dinner or social event for the 25-30 residents in their Chief Family. These dinners and events are excellent opportunities to relax, unwind and enjoy each other’s company in a more intimate setting with residents from each class represented. Recent gatherings have included BBQs, cookie-decorating parties, and game nights.
Other Events

The House Staff Association sponsors frequent evening get-togethers at restaurants and bars and other locations around Boston, as well as other seasonal events!
The residents arrange many other events together including Halloween parties, engagement parties, attendance at weddings, ski retreats, theme dinners, karaoke nights, ice cream parties, apple picking weekends, bowling parties, dessert parties, and more.